Questionnaire Responses
Candidate Name as it appears on the ballot:
Address where Voters can contact you:
Website (if applicable):
Training and Experience:
Volunteer/Community Service:
What are your top priorities and how will you address them?
What changes do you support or oppose to voting and elections policy?
How should government bring economic and job opportunities to Ohio?
What are your aspirations for K-12 and higher education?
Under what circumstances should the support or check local government?
State your position on healthcare policy.
State your position on environmental policy and natural resource management.
What role, if any, should government take to ensure no person is discriminated against?
Daniel P. Troy (D)
7690 Thorntail Ct.
Painesville, Ohio 44077
B.A. in Political Science - University of Dayton
City Councilman, City Council President, County Commissioner, State Representative
Lake County RSVP, Chagrin River Watershed Partnership Trustee, McKinley Food Bank Volunteer
Property tax reform - make the system simpler, more transparent, and less burdensome of those on fixed incomes. Also, create more circuit breakers to help those struggling to pay, and start to rein in all the business tax abatements that result in homeowners having to pick up the load and pay a higher share.
More than one drop box per county; more time to request and submit absentee ballots; more evening or weekend hours for early voting; and continuing to fight for maximum transparency on campaign contributions and spending.
Accelerate workforce training eff orts to fill the current job demands, encourage the use of legal immigrants to fi ll some of the lower skill requirement jobs, and use state funding to create more child care capacity and increase the eligibility for subsidization to get more women back in the work force.
We must stop shortchanging our public schools with these massive expansions of vouchers to non-public schools, and we must fully fund the new Fair School Funding Formula. We need to increase state support for our colleges and universities, and quit haranguing them with this culture war nonsense of requiring them to reduce diversity and inclusion. These attempts to do so are nothing more than proposed solutions for problems that don’t exist.
We should stop pre-empting home rule power on issues such as fi rearms control, vaping control, and other issues that our locals probably know better on how to address than the General Assembly.
We need to draw down more Medicaid dollars with state funds to increase compensation for direct service providers in the home health care field and our long term care facilities. I will continue to support Medicaid expansion in Ohio, and fi ght to lower prescription costs.
I strongly support H2Ohio to clean up our lakes and rivers. We must upgrade our wastewater treatment at the plant and septic system level. We need to cease oil and gas drilling in state parks and forests.
We should strengthen our anti-discrimination laws, and increase enforcement to insure compliance. We need to end the culture war bullying and attacks on the gay and transgender community.
Tony Hocevar (R)
Candidate did not respond before press-time.